Getting around in the MLS

The keystrokes and mouse actions that you use to get around any Web site work the same way in the MLS. Read the information below to get familiar with the MLS.

Home Page – The customizable Home page offers convenient access to a wide range of information and features, such as the 24-Hour Market Watch, Newly Matched Listings for your prospects, access to Your Saved Hotsheets, a Support Center, and more. Select the modules you want to include on your Home page by clicking the Customize Home Page link near the upper-right corner of the page. “Drag and drop” modules to rearrange them on the page.

Menu Bar – The menu bar remains at the top of every page, giving you convenient access to every function in the MLS. For example, click the Searches menu to see all available search types, and then select one to open the search. You can use your mouse or keyboard shortcuts to select menu items. To use your keyboard, hold down the Alt key and type the underlined letter in the menu name (such as Alt+S for the Searches menu), then type the underlined letter in the desired menu item to open it. The home icon on the far left of the menu bar returns you to the MLS Home page.

Toolbar – The toolbar displays directly below the menu bar. Like the menu bar, it never scrolls off the page, so you always have convenient access. The buttons on the menu bar change dynamically based on what you are doing in the MLS. For example, if you are changing information in your Agent Profile, such as your phone number, a Save button displays in the toolbar so that you can save the information when complete. If you are viewing listings, function buttons display in the toolbar enabling you to run a variety of reports, create exports, e-mail listings, get statistics, and more!

Options Pane – The Options pane displays in several areas of the software, grouping useful features such as Save and Sort options on the right side of the page for convenient access. Like the toolbar, the options available here change based on the area of the software you are working in. If desired, you can make your workspace wider by clicking the “Options” tab to collapse, or hide, the pane. Click the tab again to expand the pane. 

Expanded Collapsed

Tabs – Tabs help to organize information on a page. For example, if you search for multiple property types, your results are organized into tabs

TIP: View the video tutorials under the "Getting to Know Your Workspace" section on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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